The Bagwell Bunch
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fireproof your marriage
Last night we went to the screening of "Fireproof". The moving is amazing!! Go to to watch the trailer. Please, if you didn't go last night, go and see the movie on September 26 with your spouse!
Monday, August 25, 2008
ok, i take it back...
So, my new "no" thing is not working out so much. I go outside and Ella and Gracie have put 2 carseats in the wagon and guess what they have in them? The dogs!! They are pulling wet dogs around in their carseats that I put in my car!! What are they thinking? Did it hurt anything? YES! Now they stink and have dog hair all over them. This house is crazy! Tessa has almost cut her hair, cut her dolls hair and cut a million peices of paper all over the house. Ella has changed clothes at least 3 times. They have all, except Emma been in bathing suits in the rain jumping on the trampoline. Gracie has took 2 showers since she has been home from school. Isaiah left his brand new tennis shoes out in the pouring rain, and built a fort right behind where we park our cars so that every time I back out I hit something. Little Ann, our dog keeps coming in the house (she knows how to open the door now). Emma keeps trying to order stuff off of ebay. THIS PLACE IS A NUT HOUSE!! It is pretty funny now that I write it all out though....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Why not?
I find myself saying no a lot here lately.... Why? Mostly, because it's the thing to do, what will people think? Well, here's what I want to say. If it's not going to hurt someone or stunt anyone's growth, what does it hurt. Life is so short, We have all these rules, some I'm not really sure why we have. Why do the kids have to go to bed at 8? No reason really, they don't require that much sleep. What does it hurt for them to sleep in their clothes and some even their shoes? I don't see the harm in it, and we get ready a lot quicker in the mornings. Why do they have to eat all of their green beans? I never ate them when I was young and I turned out ok... well sort of. What does it hurt to eat dessert first? My Nanny always let me have dessert first when I was growing up and I still ate my dinner. Why can't the dogs come in the house? Oh yeah, that's because I don't want to clean up after them... I guess that's a good one. So, if you know me and you notice I'm not saying no a whole lot, Don't think it's because I don't care, it's because I do and it must not really matter to us!

Friday, August 22, 2008
Last night, we had a good night. Isaiah had football practice, and Emma and I cooked supper together while the girls played with the neighbors outside. It was really nice. Emma is getting so good at cooking now, I barely even have to help her anymore. Last night she made tacos and rice and it was delicious. That is her favorite thing to make.
Everyone had a good day at school, only one (who will remain nameless) got a note sent home. Emma, ofcourse it doing great on her grades. Isaiah, is doing great in the friend department, not so much on the grades. Gracie, seems to be doing really well in the socializing department. Ella, is doing amazing in the drawing department, I think she may be an artist! Tessa, got to be the line leader yesterday and did a great job, and took a good nap at school.
This is my favorite time of the year, it's finally getting a little cooler and it seems like we are finally getting on a good schedule. After next week, I don't know.... But for now it's very nice.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone, who prayed for Tessa, who called, brought us meals, brought Tessa gifts, kept us company, Kept our children... (Thank you Becki!!!), to everyone who took notes, remembered stuff for me, wow I could go on and on. I'm not naming names because there are so many!! Thank you all for being such good friends to us always, not just when we are in need. I love you all!!
On a different note, it is so good to get back to normal. I really do love this crazy life of raising kids, working and seeing what God has in store for us next.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
we are on the way home! Tessa's Mri came back good, and she is doing so much better. The doctor said it was probably viral inflamation in her joints. Whatever it was, she is on the home stretch and I am thankful for that!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The plan
We are still here at the hospital. After some assessment from a different doctor and discussion from the earlier doctor they decided since she wasn't walking any better, or worse they will go ahead with a MRI in the morning. We don't know what or if there will be a next step if nothing shows up. So we really don't know much, except she would rather lay in bed than try and walk...... If you know Tessa, this alone is suspicious behavior.
Here is the latest. The doctor came in around 11, watched her walk and we agreed she was walking better. Instead, of doing more tests they will watch her throughout this afternoon and if she continues to improve she will be released. If not, she will go for MRI in the morning. He said that she possibly has a viral inflamation in her joints. Who knows??!! She is however, still walking weird...
Tessa has been admitted to the hospital. The night before last, she started complaining of her legs hurting. I thought she was just having some growing pains. On Saturday the dr's office called and said her culture came back and she had a UTI. She was put on antibiotic. Saturday night marked the first night in well over a week she wasn't sick. Anyway, we got ready for church and she wanted to be carried, so I carried her to the car, and to her room where she pretty much sat until almost 10. When, I realized this I had her walk to me and noticed she was having a LOT of trouble. I called her Dr. and he said to take her to the E.R. They have done Xrays, catscan, and bloodwork so far. The only thing they have found so far is a spot on her hip which they say is probably nothing. They are supposed to do a spinal tap, bone scan & test for epilepsy today. I am praying she wakes up and is walking normal today.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Not again...
Well, Tessa's bloodwork came back and showed nothing. The cultures won't be back until Monday. We went back to the doctor yesterday, and ofcourse she is fine during the day....
Although, she had lost 1/2 of a pound which I think is a lot for her little 35 pound body. Anyway, she was sick most of the night again, we have become accustomed to putting a stack of towels and a garbage bag beside the bed for our nightime rituals. Last night made night 12 of this mysterious sickness. Anyway, she is feeling fine this morning, but I'm not.... I AM SO TIRED.....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Results not in...
This afternoon we went and had Tessa's blood drawn. She was very adult about it. She held her little arm out watched as the needle went in, watched her get 3 tubes of blood out, then said "Well that was great" in the most matter of fact way. It was hilarious. The lady who drew her blood was amazed, she said in 14 years she had never seen a child be so good about getting her blood drawn. As we were leaving she said "I like going to the doctor", (glad someone does since it is not my favorite thing).
So, other than that we have no news. They said the results should be in by the morning, on some of the test they are running. I am praying she will be cured by the morning.
Well, Tessa is still sick (only at night). Today is day 11!!! She went to the Dr. yesterday and they did a urine sample and found some bacteria & blood, also, they did another Test which won't be back until tomorrow or Monday. Last night she was very sick again, so this afternoon we are having blood work drawn. Just to look at her she is fine. But obviously something is wrong.
Does this baby look sick?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I don't know what is going on. Tessa has been sick for over 8 days now, on and off. It masks itself as a stomach virus but only happens at night. So far she has been sick last Sunday night, Monday night, Wednesday night, & last night. It is very random, but boy is she sick. I have made her a doctor's appointment for the morning since a person who's name will be unamed pointed out that I take my dog's to the vet quicker than I do my kids to the doctor. So, if she has another episode tonight we are definately going to the doctor in the morning. If not, we may hang tight a little longer.
In other news, everyone is doing well in school. Tessa has only got to attend a couple of days so far though, she may may be expelled before the second week (5 day rule of being absent) Today she fell asleep during lunch on the table, the teachers had to wake her up to eat. Ella is so excited to have homework, tonight she drew a self portrait of herself complete with earings and all. Gracie, well..... has picked up a bit of bad language which I am not thrilled at all about. Isaiah is doing good, this morning when I let him out at school I looked in my rearview mirror and I could see 2 little girls oohing and ahhing over him while he was walking in, he ofcourse didn't even notice which was even cuter. Also, he is playing football and is working really hard to get in shape. Emma, is excelling as usual she is just so smart... Just tonight I had to have her help us with Gracie's homework and she doesn't even have to think about it.... it's natural. Imagine that. I guess that's all of the updates for now! Time for baths, bed, and guitar hero.....
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
After the last post Tessa squeezed an entire bottle of toothepaste out, had a field day with dental floss and pretty much tortured us until bed time..... Now she's sleeping.

NOT so good...
Apparently Tessa is in retaliation mode from school. I'm not really sure what the problem is. She got out of the car this morning, turned when she got to the sidewalk and gave the little cute smiley wave and went on into school. When I picked her up, well something happened. She wouldn't get in her carseat. She wouldn't stop screaming and it took 2 of us to get her buckled. She then tells us about a story about how her teacher wouldn't let her go potty and how she got in trouble at school, but she doesn't know what for. Gracie says she saw her on the playground pushing someone. Then, we get home and she opens a new box of cereal, pours it on the floor and sofa and goes to stomping it like she's killing ants. After physically removing her from the situation and taking her to time out, she starts trying to kick the door in and screaming. What happened to my sweet little angel from this morning. I'm just not sure this school thing is going to work out...... I feel a little overwhelmed right now.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Great Day...
Well, Tessa had to miss her second day of school. She woke up very sick with a virus around 2 this morning. Poor baby was so sick. I gave Craig the option of either him or me staying home with her and he made the choice.... Needless to say Craig wasn't feeling to well in the afternoon. It's funny though after I got home he had made a miraculous recovery..... and off he went with Isaiah to football practice. So, after rushing this morning. Washing sheets, washing more sheets, giving baths, then getting everyone ready for school we were almost late, but we made it. Only because I didn't wait in the car line for Emma to get out, I pulled through the parking lot to which she was mortified!! I hope it didn't cramp her image to much, you would have thought she was going to die right there in the parking lot..... Anyway we made it to all 3 schools by 8:00 on the dot, I might add. Then the air conditioning on the car decided to go out on the way to pick them back up from school when it was only 100 degrees!!! What is going on??? All in all it really was a pretty good day. Tessa is feeling much better. Emma had apparently forgotten she was mad at me from this morning, Ella & Gracie couldn't stop talking about their day at school, and Isaiah, well he never seems to remember what he did at school including what he had for lunch. Now come on, you gotta know at least what you ate....
Friday, August 01, 2008
School Days.....
The first day of school went Great, except for a few minor details ofcourse..... Everyone was smiling when they got in the car, well everyone except Tessa. Emma had a great day, liked her teachers, couldn't open her locker again!! But had a good day. Isaiah, had fun and enjoyed their new playground and made lots of friends. Gracie made a couple of friends, and had a great day, she loves her teacher. Ella, cried at first, spilled her breakfast at school and ate it off the ground, made a couple of friends, and is very excited to go back. Tessa won't talk much about her day, except that a girl hit her and punched her in the eye and the girl got in trouble, oh and the rats in her class don't like her.....