Saturday, September 29, 2007

Better Late than never....

This is from the Steel Magnolia's party (take 2 i might i add because i couldn't attend the night before)I have great friends!! Anyway so we had a facial during the movie and here is why we have all been glowing from the past week.
This is Becky's Mom, who by the way looked fabulous the next day.
And Gina, Wow this is straight from a commercial.
It took like 3 people a peice to apply 1 person's face mask, it was more fun this way!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Let's just say....

Wow!! The last couple of days have been a whirlwind, in a good way. I have the best husband ever yesterday i came home and mounds of laundry were done, supper was cooked, grocery shopping had been done with all of the kids might i add, and everyone was happy. Today i get home to the grass being mowed, the smell of pinesol from the kitchen being mopped, laundry folded, the pantry cleaned out, the garage clean, well this could go on and on and i probably haven't discovered all of it yet. So, i just want to say Thank you Craig, cause even though you make like you don't, i know you read this.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ballgames and ballerinas

This was Isaiah's second ballgame, they were awesome the score was 7-1 they being the 7.
The 2 dancing princesses, by the way ballet yesterday was hilarious, Tessa was shaking her stuff, and ella would only participate if the teacher would hold her hand, at one point Tess patted her on the head trying to encourage her, but it didn't work.
Isaiah playing second base.
Gracie hanging on the fence as usual, isn't she pretty?
Emma just clowning around, she's such a magnet for the camera.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

All i can say about today is.....


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

So today is Mom's birthday, and i miss her so much so i thought a blog in her honor would be appropriate. Here are some things i miss the most. I miss being able to call her a million times a day just to say what r u doing? I miss all the funny things she used to do, like dying her hair a million colors and passing gas in public just to embarrass me, and talking in a different language that is not even a real language while we are having lunch at a nice restaurant. I miss all the great things she used to cook especially fried peach pies. I miss all the beautiful smocked dresses she used to make for the girls which they are still wearing. I miss all the great conversations we would have in the kitchen while she was making something fabulous ( i wish i had also been watching how she made all that delicious stuff). I miss all the time she would spend with the kids, making each one of them feel so special, giving each one there own day by theirself. I miss going to yard sales with her, because she would always make me pull all the way in the driveway up to the garages and it would embarass me so much, now i just laugh about it. I guess this could just go on and on because i miss so many things, she was the best mother and i just wish we had had more time together. So, Happy Birthday Mom i love u and i miss you like crazy.
So this shirt with the cats is one of the last things she ordered off of qvc, which was her favorite show, the ups man came to her house almost every day, she was so proud of this outfit it had a matching skirt with cats all over it, we made all kinds of fun of it, and she knew we would that's why she got it. She actually wore this get-up to a wedding, man she was a lot of fun.
This is Mom with Tessa.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quote of the Week, inspired by Becky

"If you don't have anything nice to say, come and sit down beside me"

I almost made the news...

Well, not really. Today i went to the post office to mail something i had sold on ebay. It was an odd shaped item this huge battery charger i had bought off ebay myself, not clear on what i was getting, but anyway so i took it to my dad's so he would pack it for me because he has a lot of boxes at his business. So, i didn't really pay attention to what he was packing it in, and when i took it into the post office the lady looked at it, then went and got her co-worker to look at it, and then said is this what is in here? I looked and it said highly flammable gas, explosive and pictures of flames on the box. I said no and told her what it was, she said it wouldn't even make it through the airport, i offered to let her unpack it and see but she opted out and we covered the entire box which priority tape covering up all the flames. When i handed the knife she had let me borrow to cut the tape i handed it back edge first and she said "first you try to mail explosives, now you are trying to assault me" It was all in fun though and the police were not called, next time i will double check my dad's packing!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dancing Princesses....

Better late than never, ella and Tessa started dance a couple of weeks ago, this was last week at dance, They love it!! Ella is so funny she is constantly mothering Tessa, like Tessa can't think for herself. They are doing so good, and Tessa is behaving at dance so well, (totally out of normal character). But, as everyone knows dancing, and princesses are very serious things for Tessa.

This is Tessa's new favorite outfit, if you see her or have seen her lately this is what she is wearing, i don't think it will last until halloween which is what i got it for, but she found it and she is so happy now to be cinderella. It already has honey mustard and freyed strings but it was a very fast favorite for her.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hey Tiffany!

Hey Tiffany why don't you ever leave me a comment?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

That time of year again

It's time to enjoy the weekends, because sport's season is back up and running. It may sound like i'm complaining but really i'm excited i love the ball games. So what are the kids doing? Isaiah is playing fall baseball, which i love!! Tessa and Ella are taking dance lessons, which they love! Emma is in the band which she loves, not so sure we all do since she is playing the saxophone and it is really LOUD!! Seriously though she's actually doing really good at it, and she got selected to be on the yearbook staff, really exciting. Gracie is just hanging around right now, her passion is basketball which is coming up really soon. All this to say games start Monday, and it's going to be fun.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Blog

Emma and Isaiah have started a blog for the club they have started at xl, so if you get a chance check it out and leave them a comment, they would love it! They pretty much did the whole thing by theirself, man they are smart kids, I wonder where they get it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sick Day, or not.....

This morning while everyone was getting ready, Isaiah said his stomach was hurting and he was really pale so i told him he could stay home. After i got everyone dropped off by 9 a.m. he was feeling as good as new. Hmmm.... So anyway we decided to make jelly out of this really sweet strange fruit i had stopped on the side of the road and bought on saturday ( if anyone knows what it is, it is a little smaller than a plum it's purple and really sweet and loaded with seeds) so anyway he was peeling and i was de-seeding them, after about 20 minutes and not very many done i said let's quit this is taking too long, he said no mom let's finish so we kept on about 15 more minutes then he said let's quit and i said ok, relieved. We bagged up what we had already done and it didn't even meet the bottom of a snack size ziploc, i don't think we are having any jelly, ever out of these things so if anyone wants them there is almost a gallon left. So then we made a much needed trip to the dump and since he was feelin so good we didn't want to waste it, so we went and had lunch at the olive garden, I forget how much fun he is to be around, we had a lot of good conversation, which we rarely get, uninterrupted. So today has been a good day, now we have got to go round the rest of the crew up, we have 2 left to pick up from school.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Fun Times

Friday night we had our "Small group outing" We had so much fun!! Kim and Chris, below, planned the whole night which started off with a scavenger hunt. Great job guys that was the best. (By the way if anyone on this page doesn't like their picture posted let me know and i will remove it, since i didn't ask permission) Anyway, so off we went and here are some of the pictures from the hunt, also by the way our team Won by a really big lead, Great job Team!!! After the hunt we had a great time eating great homeade mexican food, and desserts galore, it was the best time of laughing and eating ever!

These were our Lovely Host.... One of the pictures we had to take was of someone with a nametag that started with a C, so that was pretty easy.
Another picture we had to take was of one of our team members in a shopping cart, Sherri was more than willing, and did it at her workplace.
Then we had to find a krispy kreme donut display, i shouted out i.g.a. Craig said they wouldn't have one, but here it is.... while me and Bruce took the picture Sherri went next door to the nail salon and found the green fingernail we had to bring back, while Craig drove the getaway car.
We had to find someone in a uniform with a mustache, we knew waffle house would have this person, and he was a great sport.
Bruce was proud to stand in front of the police car, the police officer was a great sport he was even willing to let us get in. One of the pictures we had to take was of road kill, and we couldn't find any to save our life, so we thought we would pretend we ran over Bruce, but it didn't count.
Another thing we had to find was a peice of tire on the side of the road, we found a whole tire that had flew off of what looked to be an eighteen wheeler and brought the whole thing back, it took two of us to carry it. There was much much more, but the guy who i had to take of picture of with the tatoo, didn't really want his face in the photo, (i don't know why, but can guess) so i guess i shouldn't post that one.

Love Story lyrics at