Monday, August 04, 2008

Great Day...

Well, Tessa had to miss her second day of school. She woke up very sick with a virus around 2 this morning. Poor baby was so sick. I gave Craig the option of either him or me staying home with her and he made the choice.... Needless to say Craig wasn't feeling to well in the afternoon. It's funny though after I got home he had made a miraculous recovery..... and off he went with Isaiah to football practice. So, after rushing this morning. Washing sheets, washing more sheets, giving baths, then getting everyone ready for school we were almost late, but we made it. Only because I didn't wait in the car line for Emma to get out, I pulled through the parking lot to which she was mortified!! I hope it didn't cramp her image to much, you would have thought she was going to die right there in the parking lot..... Anyway we made it to all 3 schools by 8:00 on the dot, I might add. Then the air conditioning on the car decided to go out on the way to pick them back up from school when it was only 100 degrees!!! What is going on??? All in all it really was a pretty good day. Tessa is feeling much better. Emma had apparently forgotten she was mad at me from this morning, Ella & Gracie couldn't stop talking about their day at school, and Isaiah, well he never seems to remember what he did at school including what he had for lunch. Now come on, you gotta know at least what you ate....


At 9:17 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

Glad things are going well with the kids and school. Sorry to hear that you had some sick ones I hope everyone is better. Well ttyl.

At 6:56 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

Sorry about Tessa, Craig, and AC, at least they are all feeling better now.


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