The Bagwell Bunch
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good times
I'm a little late on updating but it has been a crazy week! So last Saturday, after much begging from the kids for a puppy, we went to collinsville. We got there and as Tessa calls it, it was a "Pet Yard Sale". There were animals everywhere. The kids had the best time, every animal they saw they wanted. We toured the entire place before making a decision and we decided on a beagle. She is so cute! So we finally got the puppy we were looking for and headed out, well on the way out this guy says "You need a puppy?" and you guessed it we got another one. well, it was free you know. This time being a Australian shepard mix. So puppies in hand we head on out to find vegetables which they had a ton of for cheap. All in all we had a great trip, except for the 3 times Tessa threw up on the way (she gets carsick). The weekend went great the new pups, except for the fighting over who would hold them. Then Monday hits and they get there first trip to the vet. You guessed it they were sick, they had worms and some kind of cocksitius or something disease. So they are on multiple meds and I think they are actually gonna make it, THank goodness!! THe vet bill though, now that's a different story. Let's just say we could have bought a full bread something for the vet bill. Anyway, guess you have to pay to play!

Friday, April 11, 2008
Zoo Adventure
Yesterday, I went on a school field trip with Gracie to the Zoo. We got to the school and got our assighnments and who we were going to chaperone and that we were to follow the bus until we got to the zoo. After about a 45 minute drive to cartersville I decided to drive thru Bojangles, not a great idea because I was about #6 in the line to order. Still, I thought that I could catch up. Well after getting to down town Atlanta I hadn't caught up so I decided I should put the pedal to the metal. Not a great Idea because as soon as I did, the blue lights were flashing. I tried to put on the charm, explained to him what had happened but he just didn't really care. After taking his sweet time he gives me not 1 but 2 tickets,1 for speeding and 1 for not having a current address on my drivers liscense (who does that??) Anyway, I finally get to the Zoo and guess what? The parking lot is full and there is no where to park, so I had to drive about 3 blocks down the road and park in someone's neighborhood. I finally get there and Gracie and her friend were having to wait at the main entrance for me. I was so embarrassed. The day actually turned out very nice but it had a very Rocky Start.

Monday, April 07, 2008
on location
So after supper Craig talked me and the kids into going on location while he cuts grass. They are on the playground and I'm sitting in the truck listening to music currently, You make me feel like a Natural Woman, which makes me laugh. It actually turned out to be a nice evening, I actually feel like I am relaxing. Anyway I guess we are fixing to load up its 8:25 now, goodnight!
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I am tired...
I was drivng this morning and I was thinking why am I so tired. Then I remembered. I wake up every day by 6:30 I take Emma to middle school, then Gracie and Isaiah, to a completely different elementary school, then Tessa & Ella to preschool, by the time I get through dropping everyone off it's almost 9:00. I go to work, Then after school we have 2 different ball practices, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, dance on Thursdays, and by the time we get home it is late and we either have to pick up supper or I cook and it's at least 9 or so before everyone get's into bed. By that time I'm completely spent and I don't even watch my favorite shows, I guess it's a good thing the writers are all still on strike, well I guess they are. What's my point? I guess I don't have one, I just want to justify why Gracie says my eyes look tired. Anyway, I guess it may sound like I'm complaining and I probably am, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Right?
Friday, April 04, 2008
Happy Birthday Emma!!
Happy Birthday Emma. 12 years ago today, the most beautiful baby girl was born, she weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces, and had tons of black hair. We are so lucky to have you in our lives, you are so smart, helpful and have the sweetest spirit about you. I appreciate you so much, I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being who you are. You are the best big sister ever!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I just want to say I have the best friends ever! I have friends who I talk to every day, friends I talk to only sometimes but it's like there is no time lapse, I have friends who call and check on me when I'm sad and they don't even know they have made me feel better, I have friends who give me great advice and ones who just listen, I have friends who love my kids as their own and I know I could call on for anything. Most of these friends do all these things for me and don't even know it!! I just want to say I love you all, and you all mean so much to me and you know who you are.....
New Shoes!
Ok, I have a parenting tip. I always have trouble getting Gracie up in the morning's for school. Yesterday she helped me out with some house work, so we all went to the dollar general to get a prize, she picked out flipflops with sequins. This morning when I called them to get up, she was the first one up with her flip flop's on ready to go. So here's what I'm thinking, if I get her new shoes everyday she will get up on time......