Zoo Adventure
Yesterday, I went on a school field trip with Gracie to the Zoo. We got to the school and got our assighnments and who we were going to chaperone and that we were to follow the bus until we got to the zoo. After about a 45 minute drive to cartersville I decided to drive thru Bojangles, not a great idea because I was about #6 in the line to order. Still, I thought that I could catch up. Well after getting to down town Atlanta I hadn't caught up so I decided I should put the pedal to the metal. Not a great Idea because as soon as I did, the blue lights were flashing. I tried to put on the charm, explained to him what had happened but he just didn't really care. After taking his sweet time he gives me not 1 but 2 tickets,1 for speeding and 1 for not having a current address on my drivers liscense (who does that??) Anyway, I finally get to the Zoo and guess what? The parking lot is full and there is no where to park, so I had to drive about 3 blocks down the road and park in someone's neighborhood. I finally get there and Gracie and her friend were having to wait at the main entrance for me. I was so embarrassed. The day actually turned out very nice but it had a very Rocky Start.

Mandi, I am so sorry that was just not your day, but you went to the zoo, I would have probably turned around and came home and went to the drivers license bureau, It takes a Special Mother to go on to the Zoo, I am proud of you. You are a Special Mom to all the kids.
Wow sorry you had a bad start, Two tickets and one for not having the right address that is stupid really (Who does that)???? He must have really not wanted to be a nice guy. But I am glad you had a good time at the Zoo you are a great Mom! See Ya Sunday!
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