Good times
I'm a little late on updating but it has been a crazy week! So last Saturday, after much begging from the kids for a puppy, we went to collinsville. We got there and as Tessa calls it, it was a "Pet Yard Sale". There were animals everywhere. The kids had the best time, every animal they saw they wanted. We toured the entire place before making a decision and we decided on a beagle. She is so cute! So we finally got the puppy we were looking for and headed out, well on the way out this guy says "You need a puppy?" and you guessed it we got another one. well, it was free you know. This time being a Australian shepard mix. So puppies in hand we head on out to find vegetables which they had a ton of for cheap. All in all we had a great trip, except for the 3 times Tessa threw up on the way (she gets carsick). The weekend went great the new pups, except for the fighting over who would hold them. Then Monday hits and they get there first trip to the vet. You guessed it they were sick, they had worms and some kind of cocksitius or something disease. So they are on multiple meds and I think they are actually gonna make it, THank goodness!! THe vet bill though, now that's a different story. Let's just say we could have bought a full bread something for the vet bill. Anyway, guess you have to pay to play!

How fun! We have a little beagle. They are the smartest little dogs and are great with kids.
Glad to hear that they are going to make it. The puppies are so cute!
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