School Days School Days dear old golden.......
Yesterday we went school supply shopping, even though i only had 4 of the kids with me, it was a CHALLENGE. I think we spent a total of 2 hours and $140 on all the school supplies, i guess we won't be eating out or in this week. Wow i was shocked when i sat down combined all the list and it filled up more than one page with many numbers beside each item. You just don't really think about budgeting that kind of thing in. That was only for 3 kids to, now i'm getting scared. Anyway, ofcourse i threatened them to be good, quiet and let me think before we ever went it. We hadn't even made it past the first aisle before Tessa was pulling stuff off shelves the others were fighting over who was gonna get what and who's was who's and Emma has no concept of price and really didn't want the stuff that was on sale. Backpacks was a whole other issue i think that took about 45 minutes just deciding which one to get and ofcourse Emma had to get hers from a different store completely. At the end when we were ready to pay, i had to trade all the stuff Tessa had picked up throughout the store for a coloring book so there were no tears. Then after a brief intercession we went tennis shoe shopping (note to self never take Gracie shoe shopping again) It was total chaos and finally i just sat on the floor in rackroom and waited until they could find what they wanted because apparently my opinion was not needed. But the funny part is the first pair i tried to get Gracie to try on she hated, then she tried on at least 20 more pair and saw the first ones i saw and "oh mom look at these they are so beautiful" so i said oh they really are let's get those, and she says "thank you thank you i love them". Now that was funny. Emma and Isaiah weren't quiet as difficult, but they still tried on quiet a few, i know the clerks loved us when we finally got out of there. The good news is we are done!!!!