Day 4
Today was a good day, i am pleased to say. This morning we got up and went to tampa to adventure island, a water park. We had a lot of fun the kids were good and the water felt great. We saw some interesting sights, one being a 9 month pregnant woman in a bikini, and another being a 75 year old man in a speedo, and there was much more in between but those are the two that stick out the most. Ella was very brave with her swimming today and Tessa was a little water shy, and ofcourse everyone else was ready to do almost anything. The perks of the day was anheiser busch employees got a free locker rental, free stroller rental ( which came in very handy) and 30% off all food, drinks and merchandise, and ofcourse we got in free so we spent the whole day and only spent about $25 bucks so i was pleased. Now the men are talking about paracelling, i'll let u know how that comes out. I am a little more worried about supper than chancing my life, personally.

Look at those abs on that boy!!

Tessa does not like water in her face, well unless she is trying to drink it out of the pool.

Ella conked out before we even left the parking lot.

and Tessa right behind her.

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