Friday night we had our "Small group outing" We had so much fun!! Kim and Chris, below, planned the whole night which started off with a scavenger hunt. Great job guys that was the best. (By the way if anyone on this page doesn't like their picture posted let me know and i will remove it, since i didn't ask permission) Anyway, so off we went and here are some of the pictures from the hunt, also by the way our team Won by a really big lead, Great job Team!!! After the hunt we had a great time eating great homeade mexican food, and desserts galore, it was the best time of laughing and eating ever!
These were our Lovely Host....

One of the pictures we had to take was of someone with a nametag that started with a C, so that was pretty easy.

Another picture we had to take was of one of our team members in a shopping cart, Sherri was more than willing, and did it at her workplace.

Then we had to find a krispy kreme donut display, i shouted out i.g.a. Craig said they wouldn't have one, but here it is.... while me and Bruce took the picture Sherri went next door to the nail salon and found the green fingernail we had to bring back, while Craig drove the getaway car.

We had to find someone in a uniform with a mustache, we knew waffle house would have this person, and he was a great sport.

Bruce was proud to stand in front of the police car, the police officer was a great sport he was even willing to let us get in.

One of the pictures we had to take was of road kill, and we couldn't find any to save our life, so we thought we would pretend we ran over Bruce, but it didn't count.

Another thing we had to find was a peice of tire on the side of the road, we found a whole tire that had flew off of what looked to be an eighteen wheeler and brought the whole thing back, it took two of us to carry it. There was much much more, but the guy who i had to take of picture of with the tatoo, didn't really want his face in the photo, (i don't know why, but can guess) so i guess i shouldn't post that one.