Inspired by Gina

Gina has inspired me to do a post on style and now that she's back with a new wardrobe we are all going to have to step it up. So here are a few things that have gotta go, well according to Oprah at least.
1. Holiday Sweaters with bells and appliques
2. Granny necklaces that tell how many grandchildren you have
3. t-shirts with meant to be funny sayings (not sure I agree with this one just yet)
4. flesh colored hose (better to wear leg spray or fishnets, according to Oprah)
5. shoulder pads
6. bearlike, full length fur coats (haven't seen that lately)
7. (and my favorite to wear), three-peice suits with vests.
You know you're gonna have to post a picture of me in one of my hot new outfits now, too, right? :)
Ok, so first I am amazed that Gina has not come to your house and killed you for putting a picture of her on your site. She's not a big fan of that. And, second, lay off the t-shirts with funny statements on them. That's half of our XLer's wardrobe!!
I'm in trouble! I do some of the things on that list! I guess I will just have to hide from you and Gina when I wear my necklace with my kids on it! :O)
Seriously, where is the good picture?!?!?!
And, hey, we need to do our critique of Oprah's tips.
Gina looks stunning as usual.......Well maybe better than usual.
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