I love Saturdays!!

Wow, today was a true Saturday. I can hardly remember what it feels like to have absolutely nothing we just have to do. We slept until almost 8, Emma and I cooked pancakes together and we went and saw our Nanny which is always a treat because she is always so excited to see us. We then did the smart thing to do and tried out the new fancier Mcdonalds, I think everyone else in town had that idea. That was a quick trip. After a couple of errands we came home, Craig watched the game and me and the kiddos all laid in the bed and watched a movie, I think I dosed through a little of it. It was really nice, we get in such a hurry that we forget to rest and how it feels to relax.
Tomorrow is going to be a great day it is Isaiah's 10th Birthday. Happy Birthday I love you so much Isaiah, you are so sweet and thoughtful and kind to everyone. I am so proud of you and the young man you are becoming.
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