Friday, November 07, 2008

The end of the week... I think..

Wow, this has been another humdinger of a week. It seems like this week Tessa and I have been at it the most about what she is going to wear to school. Why should a 4 year old care? Monday she wore a green velvet Christmas dress complete with tights and black patton shoes... Tuesday is a blur... Wednesday a Halloween dress with a princess crown... So on Thursday was it to much to ask for her to dress normal for school? Aparrently it was, it caused 2 all out fits before 7:20 ever hit. It actually cracks me up how different they all are. Emma pretty much wears jeans and a t-shirt every day, Isaiah always wears shorts (even in the dead of winter), Gracie, well she has to be exactly matching and hair done accordingly, Ella wants jeans and t-shirt every day, even on Church day, and Tessa is just random one day she wears a tutu, another day she may wear a holiday dress but never wants to wear pants!! I guess it's good they are all so different, this must mean when I get old one of them will take care of me, I'm just not sure which one it will be at this point...


At 11:23 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

That is too funny! Sounds like you had exciting week just with what are the kids gonna wear I think it is really cute. Well I miss you and hope to see you soon. hope you have a great weekend.


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