Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We are Here!

We are here! We got here around 2 and couldn't check in so we caught the trolley and went downtown to Gatlinburg. It seemed like a good idea to get on the trolley but once half of us had to stand up and it it took forever, I'm not sure we will do that again. Anyway, we ate corndogs, candy apples, homemade candy, it was great! We walked all the way down the strip, with only one child who was non compliant...I'll leave you to guess who that was. Actually, the kids have been great. When we first got into town we went to the Bass Pro shop, they thought it was a museum, and best of all it was free and we really enjoyed looking at all of the dead stuffed animals. Our ride down was quiet eventful, we had already stopped 3 times before we made it to Dalton, one gas, one potty break, and one eating break. Then when we got back on the road another potty break. These kids really do have to potty a lot. Gracie has had a great Birthday so far! I'll leave you with some pictures of our day...


At 10:12 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

Glad you made it ok and everyone is having a good time. Happy Birthday Gracie. Hope to see you guys soon I miss you all.I Love the Picture's, looks like the kids are having a great time.

At 10:12 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

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At 10:12 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

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