Wow! I am really am lucky. Today has been a great day. Tessa, Ella & Gracie all started dance classes today. They did a really good job, but honestly we were there most of the afternoon for 3 classes. It worked out fine though, after the first class Tessa and I went to the grocery store while Ella and Gracie danced. It was so nice with just the 2 of us, the highlight of the trip was finding the Dora chicken noodle soup. Tessa thought it was gold! Anyway, after picking up everybody from dance we went home. Honestly, I was getting a little tired by now and dreaded coming home to a messy house and supper, I was trying to justify going out to eat. So we get home, and Emma has cooked supper... Spaghetti, corn on the cob, garlic bread and brownies! The kitchen is spotless the dishwasher is going and there are clothes in the wash and dryer. Amazing!! We, meaning us girls sat down to dinner, since the boys are at football, and ate together it was so nice. Now, as if that wasn't enough.... My niece called and said "What are you doing" I told her and she said I was just wondering if I could come and get the kids and take them somewhere for a little while and spend some time with them? I think I must have sounded a little weird when I answered, mostly because I just couldn't believe it. So within 10 minutes Tessa, Ella, and Gracie were gone. Emma stayed home to do homework and stuff. So, she said she would bring them home around 9:00. Wow, and on top of that my fortune cookie today said "I would bring sunshine into someone's life" (strange because other's have brought sunshine in my life) and the other one said "An interesting musical opportunity is in your near future" I have had that one before and it came true. I had to get 2 fortune cookies today because Gina and I had the same one about Sunshine so I thought we should have a take 2. I can't remember what Gina's other one said except it said something about a short man coming into her life, and that's where we started laughing so hard that I can't remember the rest. Anyway, it has been a good day. It is so nice when other's make you feel special, and that is just what I have felt today. Here are some precious pictures of my little ballerina's their first day of dance!

Aaaaaaaawwwwwww! What a great surprise to come home too! That's a sweet story - it brought sunshine into my day!!
Wow sounds like you had a really great surpise to come home to and a great evening glad things are going well and the girls look so cute for there dance classes.
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